Friday, July 20, 2012

Becoming an Entrepreneur !! Are you Game?

So you're sitting in your room and you imagine yourself being an entrepreneur, and you wonder if you have the stuff it takes to be one. Well, do you? Only you can answer that question, because all takes is you having a single bright idea.  First off,  what does it mean to be an entrepreneur? Well Websters dictionary describes it as, " a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk." 
So what are the tools you need in order to be entrepreneur? Organization, management skills, initiative and risk. Do you have to have loads of money? Well truthfully; most entrepreneurs will tell you that at first thought they did not have a dime to their name, but they knew they had to acquire some whether through a job, savings, loan or they had to sell something in order to make the money they needed to launch their idea. So now that that's partially settled what's the next step? Let's outline this and see what we come up with. The first step needed in entrepreneurship begins with: 
  • Inspiration: inspiration is the driving force behind the idea for any entrepreneurial venture. Something inside you had to signal you that there is a need somewhere in the world for your product or service. Right? 
  • Focus: focusing your thoughts on where you want to take this venture, means you have to concentrate on your idea and figure ways to deliver it. You need to stick to one idea and carry it through to the end. So what does it take to do this? 
  • Vision: You need to be able to visualize your inspiration becoming a reality. The idea here is to already see it working or in production before it actually happens.  Ask yourself; is it performing the job you set it out to accomplish? Is it providing a benefit to some ones life or changing the world around you? It does not have to be some grandiose thing outside of your reach. But you visualize it making a difference somehow, to someone, somewhere. those reachable and the unreachable goals.
  • Courage: to be an entrepreneur you must posses or acquire a certain kind of tenacity or  courageousness. You have to see opportunity or possibilities when no one else does. You have to get comfortable with taking a risk.  Risk taking can be uncomfortable but it is necessary.
  • Determination: is the driving force behind success or accomplishments. There will be some goals or ideas that require grit and grind or kicking the door in to get it accomplished. Because overnight success is not necessarily a given in the world of entrepreneurship. Know that some hard work, elbow grease is required for some ventures. You cannot be weak at heart; you may have to forge through despite some obstacles.
  • Problem Solving: develop some problem solving skills, by preparing or planning out some strategies to resolve issues ahead of time. Creative thinking can lead to solutions that opens up doors to other opportunities. 
    • For example, there have been periods in my life when cash flow was a serious problem, when I  needed to get some basic things, and I did not have the money; plus I refused to ask friends or family so I found a solution. I began looking around the house for items I had purchased and had not used; and I searched diligently for the receipts and returned them back to the store  for the cash  (if they were still within the return policy time period. ( Read the consumer rights policy on your receipts.) It can save you or give a few bucks back when you need it. My point here is, where there is a wall, you find a jack hammer and break down that wall.
  •  Organization: is very important to the success of your business, so developing an organizational chart is the next step, as you will need to delegate duties and responsibilities to others who are part of your business. Not only this; but organize your charts, tables, and receipts in an orderly fashion for easy access when you need them.
  • Avoid the Nay-Sayers: Avoid telling your business ideas to people who will discourage you. Find people who are already in your line of business or similar, and who are not threatened by your desire to start a business. Join your local Chamber of Commerce; you will find that there is a wealth of resources and support services that you can utilize as support for your business venture.

    • Get some exercise everyday, pray or meditate whichever is most comfortable for you and get sufficient sleep every night, and arise early. You know what they say, "The early bird catches the worm." and by all means eat a healthy breakfast, you jump start your day with more energy.

    Finally  maintain a positive attitude , laugh and smile as often as you can this will keep the endorphins flowing, and help support you during the stressful periods while building your business; and by all means keep the faith and believe that you will be successful.

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